Friday, May 1, 2009

New Law

The following is a post that was made on the MeCo Listserv. (with permission of the author, Yvette Lee, San Diego:)

Hello MeCos,

I just had a twist thrown at me that I wanted to share with others to help avoid some stress.

Nevada has a new law that says that when submitting plans with
applications for fire permits (which we need to for our double-decker booth), you must have your plans stamped by the state's engineer--in this case Nevada's engineer. Florida also has this law. California may be next.

For us to make our move-in of 5/14 at Interop in Las Vegas, we need to have our plans in hand at the Clark County Fire Dept by 5/7.

Unfortunately, I found out TODAY why we were rejected--but at least I now have a contact at Clark County who will be watching for our resubmitted plans.

Here was her response to the request for permission to post here:

Sure—here is part of an email sent to me from my exhibit house’s engineer. If I can help anyone, it’s worth it.

To all,

In case you haven't heard already....the states of Florida and Nevada are indicating that two story, and most probably all, displays must now be stamped by an engineer registered in their "outsiders" anymore. I have immediate access to a Nevada stamp and I am looking into getting my seal in Florida.

California is apparently getting ready to follow suit and who knows how many will also jump on the bandwagon in the future. I suggest that you check with the venue to determine their current requirements.

Additionally, it is my understanding that there is a requirement that all certified drawings are to be submitted 3 weeks in advance of the show. Once again, I suggest that you check with the venue to determine their current requirements.

Obviously, this will result in higher certification costs for those displays headed for venues in more than one of these states. You need to advise your clients accordingly and plan for these higher costs.

Yvette Lee
Sr Trade Show and Event Specialist

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