1. Assume that visitors will naturally engage (proactively) with your booth staffers – first, understand that the dynamics of a virtual trade show are different than a physical trade show. In a physical event, you can (at minimum) make eye contact with a visitor to your booth. From here, you can gauge the visitor’s interest in speaking further and determine whether you want to strike up a conversation. You don’t get the same sort of signal in a virtual event. However, leaving your booth is but a single mouse click away – so if you do nothing, there’s a chance that your visitor will depart and never return. What I like to do is welcome visitors by way of your booth’s Group Chat – letting them know that you’re there to answer any questions they may have. Alternatively, send them a vCard (virtual business card) with your contact info – inviting them to contact you at any time (within the event or via email/phone). Don’t assume that visitors will engage with you – instead, utilize proactive means for reaching out to them
Fail to have product experts staff your booth – in a b-to-b event, your booth may receive visits from qualified buyers – folks with purchasing authority and budget who are finalizing their short list of solutions vendors. They’re likely to have some detailed product questions to help them narrow their list. If your booth is staffed with sales and marketing staff who are unable to answer product-level questions, then you’re missing out on a great opportunity. If instead, you had product experts staffing your booth (e.g. product manager, sales engineer, technical engineering manager, etc.) – they can engage with these prospects and provide them with all the information they need. Leverage your product experts, as they’ll move prospects down the sales funnel along the way to a purchasing decision. Continue.
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