Thursday, April 14, 2011

Smartphones and Tradeshows – A Bad Combination

America is suffering through a terrible addiction epidemic, the smartphone. Everywhere you look, people have their heads down, staring at the small screen or working the keyboard furiously. Couples ignore each other at dinner, people walk straight into fountains and you have an excuse not to make eye contact on elevators. They have become the adult pacifier. Information or interactions that formerly could wait for hours, can’t wait for seconds. Am I part of the epidemic, of course.

What I noticed last week in Orlando was the effect of the smartphone on a tradeshow. It could eventually lead to the demise of the tradeshow. Three reasons:

1) Your potential clients that are walking through the show, with you hoping to catch their eye? Too bad, they just walked right by, with their head down, looking at voicemails or a video of three Norwegian electricians doing cannonballs into a vat of chocolate pudding. I saw this many times, somehow resisting the urge to trip them (attendees, not electricians) Continue Reading

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