Saturday, April 11, 2009

Trade Show Exhibit Advice

From The Trade Show Network Marketing Group:

1. Exhibit Space

Rather than pulling out of a show, consider taking a smaller space.
Some companies are pulling out of shows to an attempt to lower their expenses. The problem with this approach is that in many cases these companies do not really know which shows produce results and which don’t. Chopping shows from can be tantamount to “throwing the baby out with the bath water.” A better solution is to pare back the amount of exhibit space during these challenging times and measure the results. Once the company knows clearly which shows produce positive results then the decision about which to drop not only becomes easier to justify it makes sense.

2. Working with the Show Manager

Now more than ever, it is important to strengthen your relationship with show management. Prior to making any radical changes to the exhibit program, companies should talk to the one person who has an incredible wealth of knowledge – the show manager.

Traditionally there is a wall between show management and exhibitors with no attempt to cross over to see what’s on the other site. The show manager is busy juggling the needs of many exhibitors and the exhibitor looks at the show management’s advice with skepticism. The truth of this myth is that show management has a long term view of their shows. Nothing pleases them more than exhibitors who add value to their shows and are happy with the experience.
Show mangers have also raised the bar on their professionalism through some of the certification programs offered by the industry. Ignoring this potential wealth of knowledge means that exhibitors simply miss important opportunities.

3. Negotiate Costs

Show managers generally will not cut the cost of exhibit space and suppliers generally do not adjust the price for specific services. But both agreed that they would be open to discussing the entire exhibit expenditure and helping the exhibitor put together a package of services that make economic sense. The panelists expressed a willingness to sit down and talk with the exhibitor’s and develop win-win solutions.

4. Maintain the company image

While it may be necessary to make some cutbacks, of equal importance is the assurance that the integrity of your presence has not been compromised. In this economy the last thing any company wants is to show cracks in their well-being. Poorly conceived exhibition plans can quickly back-fire leaving the impression with your clients that your stability is not what you profess it to be.

5. Turning the economic downturn into oppo

Since one third of exhibitors might be cutting back or maintaining the same level of commitment, there is an opportunity during the current economic slowdown for those who stay in the game. While some exhibitors may choose to have less space, it’s what they do with the space that is crucial. Those companies who give proper attention to their exhibitory, ensure that their physical appearance attracts the right people and gives the right message and have booth staff who are up for the challenge will come through this economic downturn well ahead of the competition.


  1. Thanks for the props, we really appreciate it! You're blog has a lot of useful tips and resources, I am following it now.

    I just wanted to say that I updated the link structure on our blog and the link above is now:

    So sorry for the confusion!

  2. Here is the direct link: trade show tipsSorry, we're a bit new to blogging!

  3. Take a look at this great interactive trade show/convention exhibit floor plan map:

    See a live demo here: Interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan Map
